Aditya’s Eggplant + Tamarind Chutney
A flavorful eggplant chutney from Karnataka.
Nutrition Per Serving
- frying pan
- candy thermometer
- plate
- paper towels
- jar
- frying pan
- candy thermometer
- plate
- paper towels
- jar
- 1
Prepare the eggplants
Take the tops off the eggplants, then quarter them.
chopping - 2
Prepare the eggplants
Take the tops off the eggplants, then quarter them.
chopping - 3
Fry the eggplants
4 minsPlace a frying pan on one of the back burners of the stove, pour in 1¾ inches of oil, and heat over medium flame. When the oil reaches 350°F, lower in a small batch of the eggplants and fry for 2 to 4 minutes, until they develop a light golden color, then remove and place on a plate lined with paper towels. Repeat in small batches until you’ve fried all the eggplants.
frying - 4
Fry the eggplants
4 minsPlace a frying pan on one of the back burners of the stove, pour in 1¾ inches of oil, and heat over medium flame. When the oil reaches 350°F, lower in a small batch of the eggplants and fry for 2 to 4 minutes, until they develop a light golden color, then remove and place on a plate lined with paper towels. Repeat in small batches until you’ve fried all the eggplants.
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Make the chutney base
1 minsPut 6 tablespoons of oil into a frying pan over medium heat and, when hot, add the nigella seeds and curry leaves. When the leaves crackle, add the green chiles. Stir-fry for a minute, then add the tamarind paste along with ¾ cup of water.
stir-frying - 6
Make the chutney base
1 minsPut 6 tablespoons of oil into a frying pan over medium heat and, when hot, add the nigella seeds and curry leaves. When the leaves crackle, add the green chiles. Stir-fry for a minute, then add the tamarind paste along with ¾ cup of water.
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Cook the tamarind paste
Cook the paste until the water evaporates and the paste is quite thick.
simmering - 8
Cook the tamarind paste
Cook the paste until the water evaporates and the paste is quite thick.
simmering - 9
Combine and finish
2 minsAdd the salt and the fried eggplants. Stir-fry for a couple of minutes, and take off the heat.
stir-frying - 10
Combine and finish
2 minsAdd the salt and the fried eggplants. Stir-fry for a couple of minutes, and take off the heat.
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Cool and Store
When the chutney has cooled, transfer to a scrupulously clean jar and refrigerate.
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Cool and Store
When the chutney has cooled, transfer to a scrupulously clean jar and refrigerate.